@article{oai:suica.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001229, author = {大江, 隆子 and Oe, Takako}, journal = {神戸女子短期大学論攷, The Ronko}, month = {Feb}, note = {Two renown priests of the Kamakura period have left records on “Kayu” from their respective viewpoints.  One is the Kissa-youjouki of Eisai, and the other is the Fushuku-hanpou of Dogen. Both are difficult to understand, but fortunately, as much historical literature has been obtained, the author has attempted a discourse from the viewpoint of gastronomical culture.}, pages = {85--97}, title = {粥についての食文化的考察(第3報)}, volume = {38}, year = {1993}, yomi = {オオエ, タカコ} }