@article{oai:suica.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001158, author = {米山, 冨士子 and Yoneyama, Fujiko}, journal = {神戸女子短期大学論攷, The Ronko}, month = {Mar}, note = {The “Continuous Play and Rest Period” times in the Rule of tennis have been modified frequently in recent years. The purpose of this study was to analyze the time phases of the game process in one specific match of the 1995 Kansai tennis championship while focusing on the 1995 Rule modification which shortened the out-of-play-time (Rest time).  As the result of the analysis throughout a men’s semi-finals match being sampled, the in-play-time (work time) between points was 17% and the out-of-play-time (Rest-time) was 46%. Rest time with end-changes between games was 17% and out-of-play-time was 5.3%. Total rest time between points and games was 68.3%. Other rest time not included within the-out-of-play-time and in-play-time, such as service let and service fault was 14.7% in total.  In-play-time on average was about 8 seconds and out-of-play-time was 26 seconds on average during interval points. Average in end-changes time between games about 117 seconds and average out-of-play-time was about 37 seconds. In the games under the current tennis rule, therefore, it seems that the acutual work time (ln-play-time) is becoming shortened in comparison to the condition before the rule modification.}, pages = {179--191}, title = {テニスのインプレー時間およびアウトオブプレー時間からみたゲーム分析 ―1995 関西テニス選手権大会男子シングルス準決勝戦―}, volume = {42}, year = {1997}, yomi = {ヨネヤマ, フジコ} }