@article{oai:suica.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001141, author = {米山, 冨士子 and Yoneyama, Fujiko}, journal = {神戸女子短期大学論攷, The Ronko}, month = {Mar}, note = {The “Continuous play and Rest Period” times in the rules of tennis have been modified frequently in recent years. The purpose of this study was to analyze the time phases of the game process in one specific match of the 1996 Wimbledon championships while focusing on the 1995 Rule modification which shortened the out-of-play-time (Rest time). In play-time (work time) was 5.97 seconds and out-of-play-time was 19.73 seconds during interval points on average. Rest between games with court change was about 100.59 seconds on average, and the average rest time without court change was about 28.11 seconds. According to a preceding study under taken before the rule modification, when 30 seconds were provided for the out-of-play-time, 62% of the points were less than 10 seconds. In this present study, which was done after the rule modification in 1995, 85% of the points were less than 10 seconds. It can be stated that most of the point lengths were of short work intervals. Therefore, it suggests the importance of specific conditioning programs, in which high skilled player goes through intense bouts of short intervals to get a point. Also she needs to be conditioned so that in 20 seconds time after the work intervals, the fatigue is significantly recovered.}, pages = {125--135}, title = {女子テニスのインプレー時間およびアウトオブプレー時間からみたゲーム分析 ―1996年ウインブルドンテニス決勝戦―}, volume = {43}, year = {1998}, yomi = {ヨネヤマ, フジコ} }