@article{oai:suica.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001017, author = {山本, 隆子 and 伊達, 佐和子 and 中尾, 美千代 and 細見, 和子 and Yamamoto, Takako and Date, Sawako and Nakao, Michiyo and Hosomi, Kazuko}, journal = {神戸女子短期大学論攷, The Ronko}, month = {Mar}, note = {We investigated eating habits, physical status and bone density on the 2nd year students of our department in order to look for nutritional problems in respect to the prevention of osteoporosis.  Our results showed that intake of calcium, and other nutrients was not sufficient. It was not a favorable condition for the prevention of osteoporosis. This tendency was more apparent in slim body structure. It is important to maintain the BMI between 19 and 22 to keep good bone density.  We consider that our questionnaire would be a useful tool to survey the eating habits.}, pages = {35--39}, title = {骨粗しょう症に関する研究(第二報) ―栄養摂取状況及びカルシウムの習慣的摂取のアプローチの検討―}, volume = {44}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ヤマモト, タカコ and ダテ, サワコ and ナカオ, ミチヨ and ホソミ, カズコ} }